Von Simon Trepte

#Donor Child
We have to evaluate if personal freedom or social responsibility holds more importance.
Ask yourself the question: “What is the most sustainable solution that helps everyone?” That results in the answer that we have to stop this process. If we pass the first threshold of selecting “fitting” embryos, there isn’t much missing to completely designing your own child. Should we really open Pandora’s box of gene modification? It will harm the other members of society drastically. For example, people that are not genetically modified will encounter various obstacles when looking for a job in the future and therefore face discrimination in many situations. In case you are an employer looking for employees: Do you want a standard human if you could get a superhuman that is better in every little aspect? I guess not. And that is what everyone is likely to answer. So, unmodified humans won´t have a lucky future if we don´t act KNOW!
But I want to show both sides of the coin. Humans are suffering from fatal diseases. Their lives result in death if we don´t allow them to cure their deseases. We have the power to decide about life and death, so we shouldn´t make the wrong choice.
To make matters worse, even children are dying every single day. And every mother wants to rescue her child. They go through good and bad with them and would die for them. In case you have children, you know the feeling of affiliation.
Decide for yourself whether you are on the side of human society as we know it or whether you want to cure diseases and create a world of the genetically superior.
Creating human life just to destroy it?
A savior sibling refers to the creation of a genetically matched human being, in order to be the savior of a sick child in need of a donor. This requires creating human embryos in vitro, which literally means “in glass”, using the egg from the mother and fertilizing the egg with the father’s sperm. Then, using pre-implantation technology, the embryos are tested, and the one who is genetically compatible is implanted into the mother’s womb where the embryo can grow and develop. As soon as that baby is born, the cord blood is often collected because it matches perfectly for the sick sibling. In the embryos further development, bone marrow, blood, or even organs, can also be taken and used for transplantation for the affected sibling. The consequences on the new born and created child are controversial and seen from multiple different perspectives, as the case of the Fitzgerald family shows.